Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Hyrum's Baptism

I don't really know what to say about this week! But I'll start by saying We had a really awesome lesson with an Hermano from church named Sergio, (love him) and a lady named Rosio and Karina. We taught them the restoration, it was AMAZING. At church Rosio kinda fights a lot and expresses her opinion, but at the lesson, the spirit was SO strong, she just sat there and listened, and wow is sooo ready! Her brother in Texas is a member, and she wants him to come here and baptize her. She's been reading and is in the middle of 2 Nephi! We love her and are so excited!:)

I LOVED IT. (It was a really spiritual time for me, but also cause I got to see my BFF Hna orellana and we played all day long HOLLA!!! ) anyways, The trainings were SOOOOO good. My favorites were on testimony, and change. They were soooo meant for Hermana Eastwood. I love the quote by Jeffrey r holland in the talk lord I believe, that says, "keep the ground you've already won, even if that ground is limited."
I know I will never know everything, and  we never will. And I know we all have doubts, but I know God has a plan for each and every one of us, we need to trust him. I know he will take what we know, and help us. I am so grateful to be a missionary, and to be his instrument, to be able to do his work and help his children :) 

HYRUM GOT BAPTIZED. Heessss sooooo darling! Here's the most awkward picture you'll ever see. Even Hispanic kids don't smile. But man it was so fun! I love this family so much,he's Viviana's youngest son! We were able to teach him, everything and he got baptized on Saturday:) him and his family are some of the sweetest people I've ever met. I'm so grateful to be serving here :)  

Here's some things also:
I need to live in El Salvador cause papusas and horchata.

Teaching The 10 commandments to an 8 year old
"K this means when you're married, only kiss your wife."
"AH now you're talking about nasty stuff!"

On Saturday I really needed chocolate so we went to Dairy Queen and ordered ice cream and the guy gave me it for free! Blessings. 

Okay wellll, hasta luego

Monday, May 11, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!!

If your life as a missionary is not crazy, you're not doing it right. 

We worked real hard this week, man we are so tired all the time!

Hermana James and I are doing really good, I love her so much. We have so much fun together and we work really hard and well together! Her Spanish is so good and I'm so blessed to have her as my companion:) I even got my first Mother's Day card from her!:) 

We went contacting and knocking a lot this week. And we were blessed. Not because we found a lot of solid people, [ though we did find a few diamonds in the rough though :) ] 
the blessing was that we were happy. It was Wednesday I believe that we had knocked on everyone's door FOR DAYS and no one wanted to listen. It wasn't until dinner time when the members asked how our day was when we realized what had happened, that no one wanted to hear our message. I believe God really helped us that day to not be discouraged, cause we were just so happy that day!!

That same thing happened again on Friday, except we contacted a potential the hermanas had met in the fall. Miguel, he is soooo interested! We taught him the restoration and he loved it! He invited us to eat lunch at his work and we can teach him more there haha and he said he would ask his boss to get Sunday's off so he can come to church, cause he's realizing life is not all about work and money. He's very prepared and we are so excited for him!(: 

All our appointments that night(Friday) fell through, so another potential we went and contacted! He wasn't home, but his daughter was home and she was soooo nice. We will go back this week to visit with the dad who is so nice as well (: 

It's cool to see how when we are diligently working and finding, God is with us and blesses us in more ways than just leading us To those who are ready, he can bless us with the spirit and feelings of happiness and joy, knowing we are in his work :) 

I know this is Gods work. I know he listens to us and hears our cries for help, and I know he answers our prayers.

I am so grateful for my sweet family, It was so fun to see them this last Sunday. I know families can be together forever, and That knowledge makes me so happy.
I am grateful for this time I get to give all I have to the Lord and share my testimony and His gospel! 

This is our picnic when we don't have time for lunch so we eat while we wait for the bus :):)
Hermana Eastwood