happy p day week.
Thursday we were finally allowed to leave, OH HAPPY DAY ALL IS WELL. we had such a solid day, I love being a missionary. We've been working with a few recent converts, getting them ready to receive the priesthood, it's so cool to know that we have the power of God here on the earth! My testimony of the
Is gospel has just grown so much, I am so grateful. I was able to study the Atonement a lot this week, which has been amazing. I am so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ. We had a cute little miracle! On Friday after planning, we were walking to an investigators, house in a complete blizzard, I wish I had pictures of how bundled we were haha so we were walking and it was just a really golden missionary moment, we got to the main road and a member drives by and picks us up and takes us to the investigators house! Soo perfect. And we had the cutest lesson with this family from Honduras, we sang the wise man and the foolish man and taught the kids the actions and everything, TOO CUTE.
Then Friday night we had to stay inside, soooo we made Papusas :) #elsalvadorforlife
And on Saturday we went on the bus to visit this nice Hispanic-y apartment complex, and we walked around up there for three hours in the rain haha I seriously love that though, it's just a picture perfect missionary moment!
Sunday church was cancelled! What!? Hilarious. So we just stayed in and studied some more, which was great :)
These people here are so prepared, and so loving. I love being able to be here, and live for them. And work so hard to really try to help them, in every aspect.
I love being a missionary. Here's to another week!:)
Love, Hermana Eastwood
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