She came here to McMiracleville with me! We have been having an
absolute blast! It's been so fun to reminisce on our good times in
Providencia, with our investigators, our bus stories, The members, all
the good times :) it's such a blessing to have her be here with me!
I've missed her. Her Spanish is amazing, great accent, solid testimony
and she's so strong! So good at our goal of 'fear no man!' Love her.
We worked so hard together, and so far it's been the same. A bunch of
hard work!!!!' We're going to KILL IT this transfer! So excited :)
We've been biking a lot so far, but have seen so many miracles! We've
been finding a lot of new people to teach! Heavenly Father is blessing
us and leading us to the Hispanics :) I love knocking.
Our branch president has a feeling in these next couple weeks were
going to find out next relief society president, and elders quorum
president. We have the faith it's going to happen :D I am so pumped
for this transfer!
We've set some amazing stretching goals this transfer, and I really
feel like we can do it!
Monserrat's mom came back from Mexico, and brought along with her her
uncle and cousin! 2 more solid investigators to teach!:) were very
excited about them, just need them to A C T . To read and to pray.
Please keep Monserrat, Mandi and CIRO in your prayers! They're our
miracles for this transfer :)
We had a cool experience last night: there's this less active member
named Carlos I've never met, but have tried so many times. Last night
we went to the address we have for him, and met his Son!! Who is
interested in learning about the gospel, and gave us the general
direction for where Carlos lives now as well. We went over there, and
knocked on this lady's house, who is the mother of Carlos's
girlfriend! And her husband is Hispanic! Anther family to teach :)
then this lady gave us e address where Carlos lives, he wasn't home,
but I'd say it was definitely a successful night, and completely led
by the hand of the Lord :) cool cool.
I love my mission so much. I love the spirit I feel. I'm so grateful
to be a representative of Jesus Christ. To have this time to give him
back everything He's blessed me with. To be able to preach his gospel,
and to help others come to know him. In the time I've had of being in
his service, helping my fellow brethren come closer to him, I've drawn
closer to him myself. I am a much happier person now that my savior is
the center of my life. I love him with all my heart.
Ps currently making papusas. No big deal. Just call us Hispanic :)
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