member, / Less active family. It was darling. 6 CRAZY KIDS, but so
sweet to teach them the gospel. On Sunday they all came to church,
and the mom who is the less active was so so happy! It is so sweet to
see and to be a part of seeing them coming closer to Christ :)
On Tuesday we met with Efraim in his store, with PAUBLO our recent
convert! It was perfect, they both have had many health problems, like
heart, diabetes, and missing part of their legs. Crazy, but perfect
match. Efraim feels god has abandoned him, and PAUBLO [not purposely
capitalizing it] felt like that for a while, until the missionaries
found him.. The hope and light this gospel brings is amazing. I love
being a missionary. I have grown so close to my father in heaven, I
know he is very real and loves me and everyone of us. I know he will
never abandon us, and it brings me so much joy and comfort to be able
to help others Come to know that as well.
We had interviews with president that day too! I love him so much. So
so much. Preach my gospel says we need to always live worthily of our
converts here in the mission. That day, I got the feeling, not only do
I need to continue to live worthily for the people of my mission, my
family and myself, but also for president and sister Anderson. I never
want to let them down. I love my mission!!
Thursday was kinda cool. My companion has been sick for 2 weeks, and
her voice kinda comes and goes, and she has cough attacks. Well,
anyone who knows hermana Eastwood knows she is terrified of English
people and teaching in English. ...not my thing. But she does her best
to do what the lord asks! On her porch swing We teach this lady named
Patricia, who is English but is married to a Hispanic. She's your
typical southern lady. We were teaching the plan of salvation so I was
doubly nervous! Haha and hermana starts dyinnnng coughing so she
leaves and goes away so she's not distracting, and I teach alone.. It
was really cool, cause you know how satan is the worst and always
attacks ya? He's been attacking my confidence a lot this week, and
this lesson really helped me a lot. I had the best companion, my Book
of Mormon. This lesson made me think of this quote by Ezra Taft
"The Book of Mormon is the great standard we are to use. It shows that
Joseph Smith was a prophet. It contains the words of Christ, and its
great mission is to bring men to Christ and all other things are
secondary. The golden question of the Book of Mormon is “Do you want
to learn more of Christ?” Now, we have not been using the Book of
Mormon as we should. Our homes are not as strong unless we are using
it to bring our children to Christ. Our missionaries are not as
effective unless they are “hissing forth” with it."
We had a bunch of tender mercies this week!:) lots of cancellations
and rejections, but God is so good. On Friday we went to see a man
named Felix, and it started pouring, and he was getting in this car to
leave to buy cigars, but he got out and we had a lesson! He said he'd
be baptized! (Don't worry we'll get the word of wisdom soon;) )
Then Saturday we had a really hard day, but at 6 we went to see this
family, we rode our bikes and they saw us from the laundromat and
drove home just for the lesson! We haven't been able to see them for
almost 2 months so total tender mercy! :)
I love sharing the gospel.
Here's another funny moment, last night we were teaching the man named
Gregorio on his porch, and in the middle of the lesson he said hey in
a couple weeks I'm gonna take you to a Mexican restaurant! And I just
could not stop laughing!!!! I don't know why but it was so funny!
Also sometimes when you're the McMinnville hermanas you live next to a
Mexican store and so when it's not time to go home yet you go store
contacting./buy salsa and tortillas and sit outside to eat them at
8:45;) goooood times.
Cute PAUBLO gave us a back of candy! He was like I dunno if y'all will
be able to trick or treat this year ;)
I'm so happy to be able to serve my mission. This Saturday we have
transfer calls. Tying hard to be in tune with the spirit to be able to
accept Gods will, and know he has a plan and a purpose for all things
:) wish me luck!
Thank you for your love, support and prayers. Until next week,
Con amor,
Hermana EASTWOOD(:
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