hey yall! hows it goooiiinnn
transfers were this week! mynew sweet companion is hermana Orellana, shes from Mexico and is the biggest sweetheart! she is so kind and loving, and we are getting along very well. i love her so much! we are going to have an awesome transfer together!
we've been super diligent in our tracting this week,and we met some really awesome people!
it amazes me how hard people work, and i love the members in my branch here because they work so hard, and they rely on the lord for everything. they know if they put god first, they will be okay. i think this is an attitude we all need to have, to trust in the lord with everything, and believe it will all work out the way its supposed to.
yesterday was fast sunday, and i love it here in this branch because the testimonies of my friends here are so strong! one lady was saying how she was so grateful for one more day, one more month to bear her testimony. that got me thinking. how grateful i am to have that opportunity EVERYDAY OF MY LIFE. as a missionary, i have the opportunity to bear my testimony all day everyday. i get to share the reason for my happiness, the reason for my comfort, and my confidence. the reason i know we can all get through this life, because we have a loving Savior who knows and loves us perfectly, and through him we can become perfect, and live with our families forever.
we as members of the church have the blessing of knowing the restored gospel of Jesus christ, and by having this knowledge, we also have the blessing to share it. i encourage you all to share your testimony in as many aspects as possible. we are members of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints. at baptism we covenanted to take his name upon ourselves. we should show christ like love to all we come in contact with.
hah i know this is cheesy, but the question, "what would jesus do?" is always in my head. its really cool too! i think, jesus would help that woman put groceries in her car, jesus would help that man clean up his yard, jesus would talk to that person.
i love you all very very much, and i hope all is going well in all your lives:)
seguir adelante con la fe
con amor,
hermana eastwood
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