Monserrat and her family are doing great!:) were planning on asking them to be baptized for October tenth this week! /tonight!:) they came to church yesterday and the week before, the branch LOVES them and they love the church too!:)!
this week we got transfer calls An investigator decided to invite us to his restaurant to buy us dinner, so we went anddddd it was delicious and only slightly awkward cause he asked who was les I got and we said NO ONE.
This week has been a good one, andd a little discouraging at times. This is how I've received yet another confirmation from the spirit that this is the Lords work, and the scriptures are true :)
We've been working so hard, and we're doing all we can to share the gospel clearly and boldly. We find so many people were so excited about, with so much potential, and then they fall off the face of the earth and were sad and eat Mexican ice cream...[see photo;) ]
But throughout my studies this week, what has stuck out to me has been diligently doing your task.
I know I am doing my part, I am giving the lord everything I have, and I have to trust that is enough. I am doing what he's called me to do, and the rest is in his hands, and according to the agency of his beloved children.
Sometimes It's discouraging, but I know our Heavenly Father has a plan for each one of us, and I know he has blessed us with the spirit, the comforter, to strengthen us and inspire us, and to carry us. I am so grateful for my savior, and this time I have to be his representative and preach his Gospel.
Love,Hermana Eastwood
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