We've done a lot of finding, and seriously we've been led by the hand
of the Lord. We have met the most prepared people! It's been amazing.
We've been the happiest little missionaries, so full of and led by the
spirit. God is so good :)
Halloween was so fun! There was a trunk or treat for the ward so we
went and saw all the kiddies and it was so fun!:) then we went to
president catens house a have out candy:) I love this Place! Then
after, Hermana James and I snuggled on the floor and watched the
testaments. Ahh the missionary life (:
We had a baptism last night!!!! Richard is 12 and has been waiting for
so long to be baptized! His older sister got baptized I think 2 years
ago, then her mom last year, and her dad just this past August. And
now Richard! They're an amazing family, and the baptism was very
spiritual and HAPPY!!!! He couldn't stop smiling, and me either. It's
amazing the spirit and the happiness
this gospel brings.
Monserrat and her family came too! They faithfully come to church
each week. Yesterday I got the feeling, 'they know this is true.' But
they're Catholic, and feel their infant baptism was sacred, and don't
wanna get baptized again. They won't read and pray,it's heartbreaking
cause we can only do so much, ya know? Please keep them in your
prayers. Monserrat, Yolanda, Leti, Carlos Raul, and Jairo. They're
Here's some fun things happening this week:
Got growled at by a HUMAN while knocking. Tight. There's a first for
everything :)
Killed a dog. No biggie...don't ask.
Got told to never get married.
Papusas #forthewin. We make them often (:
teaching the GOSPEL and ENGLISH to a PROFESSIONAL soccer player from Mexico.
I am so grateful to be a part of this little McMinnville family. I
really feel so loved here. :)
The Fall is B E A U T I F U L.
I love being a missionary. I love this work. I love my savior. I love
riding my bike for dayzzzz sharing his gospel. I love the unity I
feel. I love my companion. I love this gospel. So grateful to my
father in heaven, who sent his son Jesus Christ to die for me, and
that I have the privilege to represent him and share his gospel. I am
grateful for my testimony and how it's grown, and the fact that I know
my family is eternal. I love what I am doing, helping others come to
know that as well, giving them this peace and hope that comes only
from the spirit. :)